founder of naked leader

any liquid is spilling over the top

any liquid is spilling over the top

Time to Read: 3 and a half minutes

This month Clive chats to Peter McCartney – a naked leader every single day:

GUIDING light Peter McCartney sees his role in life to “facilitate enjoyment, achievement and legacy.”

No wonder then that he has been recognised as a leader of substance within ISS, one of the world’s very best companies in outsourcing, as a key account director delivering facilities at Capgemini.

For Peter, life offers a series of challenges which he not only wants to jump over, he aims to vault at a height which would worry an Olympic champion.

In his words, challenges drive his positivity. “I can’t see any other way forward.”

Peter is not a half-glass full person – in his world any liquid is spilling over the top in any given scenario.

In short, he doesn’t aim to make the most of life, he does make the most of his life.

‘I absolutely love my job,’ says Peter. “I’m privileged to guide, develop and spend time with a little more than 100 colleagues on my contract providing facility services (i.e. looking after buildings). ‘This is a recent promotion for me and following the yin and yang of life, I immediately wanted to give something back and so launched an ‘emerging and future leaders’ initiative. This inclded a ‘book club’ featuring the first (and still my favourite) NL book, reviewing as a group a few chapters every month.

‘I impress upon the participants that whatever they think of the book, and indeed any of the development opportunities provided, they are right. They can join, leave, re-join at will.’

Peter adds: ‘I’m eternally optimistic, wanting to help each and every one to achieve what they want (including legitimising not wanting a career at all).’

His involvement with Naked Leader founder David Taylor stretches back in time and Peter adds: ‘I met David in his pre-NL days, am a fellow “child of Tony Robbins (so to speak!)”

‘I have held NL principles at the centre of my life ever since day one. Where want to go/where now/how to journey/action. Simple. Events have no meaning other than what you choose to give them. Simple.’

Peter’s philosophy in life should hit home with all of us. We must not take life for granted.

We should grab the moment, seize the day.

He says: ‘Our time – at work, at home, reading this article, wherever – is but short.

‘The company I work for provides room for self-expression, setting your own path and making a difference. I love each and every day, and take it as synchronicity that we are together.

‘You may also be thinking that I wear permanently rose tinted spectacles to look at life but let me reassure you that my outlook is from a very informed perspective regarding global societal and economic issues. That awareness of the numerous challenges in life just drives my positivity.

‘All we have is each other and hope – as 80s American rock band Journey said, “Don’t Stop Believin'”. Ever.

David adds: ‘Thank you Peter. Your support that there was indeed a gap in the leadership market for the blindingly obvious helped me so much while I was finishing that first book.

‘The way you have taken Naked Leader how tos and made them so real, tangible and effective throughout your career has been humbling.’

If you have any recommendations or suggestions for future Leader Features please email

Next month Clive is speaking to Katie Walker, winner of the Prince’s Trust Young Achiever award at the Pride of Britain celebrations. .

With my love and best wishes to you all



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