founder of naked leader

Business as a Force for Good
Naked Leader Week 869 – 27 April 2020
Time To Read: 47 seconds
The stories of community kindness, giving and caring are many and so much needed and appreciated in these unprecedented times.
With less publicity, and just as inspiring, are the hundreds of organisations around the world who are doing the same, across a full range:
- Hotels throwing open their doors and services to NHS staff – well done Whitbread, Holiday Inn and others
- Unilever contributed $100m to fight the pandemic
- Harvard Business Review making all their articles openly available for all
- BrewDog is making hand sanitiser to be given away for free to those in need
- A host of technology companies offering their services free to schools and colleges
Many people are talking and wondering about what the new business as usual will be in the future – I believe at its heart will be well-being of people first – above growth and profit and revenue, closely followed by having a Cause you stand for and prove you stand for it with actions not just words, and overall, being a Force for Good.
Indeed, I don’t think these three things will be an option, but a necessity – the spin off being, of course, that organisations that do this will be financially better off.
And a great time to start is now. We are playing our small part with regular, free well-being webinars to charities, our client partners and most importantly the wonderful NHS.
But this is not about us or any of the thousands of organisations out there who have stepped up to the mark, this is all about keeping as many people as possible alive and well and healthy.
With my love and best wishes to you all, with massive thanks to every keyworker and volunteer in the world right now.