founder of naked leader

Don’t inspire your people – do this instead

Don’t inspire your people – do this instead

Time to Read: 21 Seconds 


Don’t inspire your people – do this instead

Be an inspiration

It is not your responsibility as a leader to ensure that all of your people are inspired – it is your responsibility as a leader to be an inspiration.

To be the behaviour you want to see from others, to be the mind-set you need to see from others and to be the change that everyone keeps talking about.

Ironically, of course, that is also the fastest way to ensure that others are inspired.

With thanks to Adrian Gilpin, and my love and best wishes to you all



Please be an inspiration in comments below

5 Responses to Don’t inspire your people – do this instead

  1. Inspirational can mean different things to different people.
    Showing inspiration can be a thing you do as a one-off but actually being inspirational most of the time requires hard work and dedication.

  2. I ran the marathon this year in the hope of inspiring my family to do the same. To tackle something out of your comfort zone is extremely rewarding and, in my eyes, inspirational.

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