founder of naked leader

How to Disprove the Naked Leader Formula for Guaranteed Success
How to Disprove the Naked Leader Formula for Guaranteed Success (FGS)
1. Know where you want to go:
To disprove the Naked Leader Formula for Guaranteed Success (FGS)
2. Know where are now:
You just don’t believe the FGS is what you, others and organisations do every time they achieve success. How can success be that simple? You can find hundreds of formulas online, and although Naked Leader openly say the FGS is an aggregation of them all, you don’t believe it.
3. Know what you have to do to get to where you want to go:
Apply the FGS and prove it does not work for you – starting today.
4.Do It!
Decide something you want to achieve (aside from disproving the FGS – that is a loop into madness!)
Take personal ownership of it
Choose an action to take
Do It!
You achieve it first go – so the FGS works – it does work – it was ‘right’ after all – end.
You don’t achieve it first go – so the FGS doesn’t work – it doesn’t work – it was ‘wrong’ after all – end.
Oh, hang on – if it doesn’t work there’s another, rather critical bit…
So you get up again and have another go, doing something different:
You achieve it second go – so the FGS works – it does work – it was ‘right’ after all – end.
You don’t achieve it second go – so the FGS doesn’t work – it doesn’t work – it was ‘wrong’ after all – end.
Oh, hang on – if it doesn’t work there’s another, rather critical bit…
So you get up again and have another go, doing something different:
You achieve it third go – so the FGS works – it does work – it was ‘right’ after all – end.
You don’t achieve it third go – so the FGS doesn’t work – it doesn’t work – it was ‘wrong’ after all – end.
Oh, hang on…
With my love and best wishes
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This formula applies to anything you want to do, so thats the scary bit – you can do it if you chose to!
Get up and have another go doing something different is the quickest way to get on. When I was learning to windsurf the instructor spotted that I was just taking forever to get back up and have another go and that I would only learn not after so much time but after so many goes.
Anyway, as it happens, I didn’t really like windsurfing – I did like water skiing though!
I like windsurfing but also found it difficult.
I love the formula for guaranteed success.
Surely just doing something else and getting on and making sure you can excel at that one thing is what drives us all.
That’s it. It’s all about whether you want to choose to or not. And having the bravery too in a lot of cases.
I’ve got a headache reading this blog. It was worth it, FGS works!