founder of naked leader
How to get someone to know what they think they don’t know
Naked Leader Week 825 – 10 June 2019
Time to Read: 35 Seconds
How to get someone to know what they think they don’t know
Ask a question.
If they reply with “I don’t know” ask:
“If you did know, what would you say?”
Vary this principle according to the situation.
Two real examples:
Firstly, from a leadership workshop:
A “What would you like to achieve from this day?”
B “I don’t know.”
A “If you did know, what would it be?”
B “To get more from two members of my team.”
And secondly, from the BBC Radio 4’s “Commission” programme discussing food and fat:
Me “What one thing, above all others, would you recommend that people do with regard to the food they eat?”
Expert “I don’t think there is one thing that is more important than anything else.”
Me “If there was one thing, what would it be?”
Expert “Oh, if there was one thing, it would be to enjoy your food.”
With my love and best wishes