founder of naked leader
How to make your success inevitable in 2014
How to make your success inevitable in 2014 – keywords are in bold
1. Have an Outcome you really want that many would call “impossible.”
2. Every day, focus on what you want, not on what you don’t.
3. Take ownership of your life – “if it is to be, it is up to me.”
4. Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you doing what you can.
5. Don’t change your life – choose your life. Your choices decide your destiny.
6. When you decide to do something, do it. Keep Your Word – or stop saying you are going to.
7. Get back up again, and again, and again – persistence is totally incompatible with failure.
8. Help others, share the above, spread the truth that everything you need, to achieve anything you want, you already have within you.
What’s stopping you – Our Deepest Fear:
Any help you need in 2014 tweet me @thenakedleader or ask in the comments below.
With my love and best wishes for a fantastic 2014, which are nothing compared with you taking that first step to making your dream come true, and helping another person to do the same.
Making others and helping them achieve their dreams is often as exciting as doing it for yourself.
Indeed Christian, it also inspires loyalty David
To have a formula laid out like that is genius thinking.
We all chase things and have notions about just what it is we want out of life and where we think we want to be in say, five years.
This actually allows you a structure, a real thing of substance to work with which can even be pinned up on your wall or calendar as a reminder of where it is you are going and where it is we are aiming to be.
Like I say, genius.
Agree, simple but effective. That usually is a great combination.
That deepest fear is so right. It does stop us achieving.
Give yourself a goal and go for it while planning how to get there. Makes sense!
Take ownership – that’s the key here.
There is no reason to pass the buck on others or blame anybody for not getting anywhere in life.
You can do whatever you want if only for the taking hold of an issue and dealing with it.
Best not to put if off, just get on and take action. I did, it changed my life.
Thank you all for your comments David
Great formula which is sure to work.
Knowing where you want to go is always the hard bit.
Do we not, as humans, generally drift in the general direction of where it is we think we should go.
Perhaps we should all grasp the bull by the horns and actually think about what it is in life we want to achieve.
A good starting point perhaps!