founder of naked leader

I am on the floor in a shop doorway.

I am on the floor in a shop doorway.I brush aside offers to help me up, with a polite thank you. I do it all the time, I say to the shop keeper. Lose my balance. Fall. That was the third this weekend.
I smile. Falling wasn’t always normal for me. In fact I would have thrown my head back in laughter if someone had said Dawn by the age of 50 you will have retired; be living in the shadow of a brain tumour; have re-learnt to walk again, twice, and be in the middle of treatment for breast cancer, oh and let’s throw in epilepsy too…
Before 2008 I was driven by my love of nursing; working as a nurse consultant. But after my brain tumour surgery, like Forrest Gump took to running, I picked up a pen and started writing instead.
I have left the fast lane of life behind and joined the quieter side roads where I enjoy the small things and live in the moment. I sing in a choir, swim in the warm baby pool and bathe in special moments with friends and family.
Life is precious. I will Never Give Up!
Thank you Dawn
Finally, Dawn says this following poem sums up her approach to life, before the tumour but even more so now:
Twenty years from now you will be
more disappointed by the things that you
didn’t do than by the ones you did,
So throw off the bowlines,
Sail away from the safe harbour,
Catch the trade winds in your sails,
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
With my love and best wishes
received via email, thank you –
Brilliant to read Dawn’s words in your newsletter, David.
She’s one of my heroes.
J. x
What an amazing person – that puts everything into perspective.
Amazing story. Love the living in the quieter roads line. we should all do that and take in the moment.
Good luck Dawn.
So heartwarming to think someone has such drive and tenacity in adversity.
Wow this is lovely blog to read at the end of a week and the words resonate with me as I recall when making a decision on moving away from the UK for a period with my career. What made our decision was the thought of looking back and regretting saying no, thinking we did not grasp the opportunity and sail away from the safe harbour of all we knew. Regret is always more painful than bravery….Dawn’s tenacity and courage put this into perspective- wonderful lady, wonderful story.
Great blog, super story and very touching. Amazing woman.