founder of naked leader

If I can do it with just sheer belief…
Naked Leader Week 800 – 17 December 2018
Time to Read: Doesn’t matter – it’s how long you look that matters
In Naked Leader our main partner charity is The Prince’s Trust.
We have been running Young Ambassador days for The Trust for over 15 years – small groups of young people who have overcome, and still face, major challenges in their lives. As their Business Ambassador it is the most rewarding thing that I and Naked Leader does.
Over that time we have admired the bravery, persistence and unselfishness of hundreds of people aged between 18 and 30 and many have gone on to find jobs, careers or, as in Rich’s case below, considerable fame.
I first shared Rich’s story over 7 years ago and share it again as an example of someone I admire, respect and talk about all the time:
“If I can do it with just sheer belief…then anybody can “
Rich and I first met at a Prince’s Trust event at St. James Palace, on Monday 5th July, 2010 – he shared his story in a totally authentic way – his challenging childhood, and battles with depression and autism. I asked him – “imagine if you simply could not fail, what would you do?” He replied, “I would change the world, through art.”
Just look what’s happened since:
Rich is now an award winning, rising star in the British art scene. Aged 32, completely self-taught – I will write that again – completely, 100% self-taught – and proud to be trail blazing a whole new genre of art – described as a fusion of street and pop art often inspired by retro, vintage style 50s imagery.
In his own words:
I believed from a young age that I could achieve anything I wanted and I could change the world in some way. I have stayed true to my ideas and I have adapted and learnt along the way how I can best make the use of my talents and leave a big impact on the world. If I can do it with no training or education and just a sheer belief and will to succeed, then anybody can.
At this time of year we support The Prince’s Trust with a donation rather than sending Christmas cards. We take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Please support The Prince’s Trust here and help more young people to have a fulfilling future.
With my love and best wishes to you Rich, and to you all