founder of naked leader
Know what you have to do, to get to where you want to go
Time to Read – Two minutes, fourteen seconds
Time to Do – A Heartbeat
This week we look at the most important part of the formula:
Know what you have to Do, to get to where you want to go – The Heartbeat
The moment when you make a true decision – i.e. you look at your desired outcome and you decide that you will not accept anything less.
And that’s it
And what an “it” indeed
In your personal life, what do you dream of? In what exact moment, heartbeat, will you make the decision – the true decision – that you will simply not settle for less?
In your career or organisation, what do you need to make happen? In what exact moment, heartbeat, will you make the decision – the true decision – that you will simply not settle for less?
So very simple
And so very hard
Hard, because in the moment we are about to focus on the “what” our minds drift to the “how” – fatal. Harder, because we have been taught (conditioned) that such momentous decisions take ages (they don’t, except in meetings, which you can also change). And hardest because of something called “decision regret.” The moment in which you make a fast, life-choosing decision then almost immediately you will start thinking about other possibilities.
So, there you are – three reasons not to make such decisions
And just one reason to do so – you have to, If you are going to achieve what you want in your life, in your team and in your organisation.
So, do it, by:
* Focusing your mind, language and actions on “choice” not “change”
* Make a true decision about the “what”
* Never, ever change your mind on that “what”
Oh yes, and one final thought – only 5% – one in twenty of you – will do anything as a result of reading this.
Will you be one of the many, or one of the few?
With my love and best wishes
[polldaddy poll=4512182]
I will be one of the few who achieve.
I have set a goal and I intend to get there and reading this inspiring post has given me the motivation to make sure I do.
Knowing where you want to go is the easy part. Getting there is the hard bit in my experience. In fact, I’ve hardly ever got to where I want in life simply because I haven’t worked out how I’m going to get there.
I guess it’s like a journey you have to make. Before you set off you should really have looked at a map and worked out where it is you need to go to get there. Sometimes, it’s easier not to try although that’s a defeatist way of looking at things and if everyone thought like that I accept that nobody would actually go anywhere or do anything.
Making decisions that I want to stick to has become a way of life for me.
Once I make my mind up I do it.
That way there is no thinking about the rights and the wrongs.
The mind is made up. So there is the choice made.
Thanks for the reminder.
Deciding what you want is easy huh? Within the context of a corporate or an existing enterprise is one thing. Making decisions without constraints is like designing a house without a plot of land in mind. Ok, you need to identify the plot of land. Seeking the plot of land without constraints becomes interesting in itself. More and more of us will face multiple decision paths that are not clear. Is the decision you are making driven by you because you feel you have to create a decision point? What if your ‘gut’ is simply not saying anything, going with the flow? The task of re-engerising, gaining actual focus and taking decisions that really reflect your drivers is crucial. So ensuring you have identified your underlying fundamental drivers is the starting point. Hope that makes sense
I sort of get it Mike. Thanks for the analogy which is rather pertinent because a friend of mind in NZ bought a plot of land recently and designed a house on it!
That’s the kind of thing they do over there and moving houses too is big business.
They simply pick them up and move them to a new plot.
I guess the fundamental driver in that is the need or the desire to move.
Sometimes, you can’t make a decision without referring to someone else.
Maybe it’s a big purchase, maybe it isn’t, but the point is it’s not always a decision you can make by yourself.
It’s something that I often have to do as I value the opinion of my family and often get them to help with big decisions I have to make.
Sometimes they have to be considered too before jumping in. Like buying a car. You can be conned if you are not careful simply because you make the decision to buy too soon before having it checked over.
So consideration is often the key to be making a purchase and making that decision.
Decision regret is something that I am aware of because I have regretted many decisions in my life.
I have bounced back from them and made a go of things which is one of the traits I like about myself. I will never give up even though I might have made better decisions for myself in the past.
I think if you have made a decision you have to stick with that at all costs and not deviate once it is made.
I like to make decisions and when I do, life-changing ones that make a difference.
I’m not scared of making them quickly if I have to.
And I can make brave ones too.