founder of naked leader
Make Connections Your School Of Thought
IF you would like to connect with children, pass on your experience and help large numbers, one of the most effective ways is to speak at a school.
Most schools in our area will welcome an external speaker such as yourself. It’s usually easy to find a slot, then the challenge comes when you actually speak because children are by far the most open, honest and demanding of audiences. By far!
That should excite, rather than concern you. And providing you do just one thing, you will go down well. Leave the Powerpoint and the photos of your last safari at home, and simply, be yourself. Of course, plan and prepare. Involve them in activities and make it interactive. Just whatever you do, be yourself.
(Extract from The Naked Coach)
Great idea. It’s confidence building and that makes you a more rounded person.
I agree, the learning experience you gain from that sort of exposure is priceless in your development.