founder of naked leader
“Pay it Forward”
Naked Leader Week – 77 – Monday 1 November 2004
In 2003, inspired by the film, “Pay it Forward” we started Just One Day.
And it is today!
Since its launch last year, I have received thousands of e-mails and letters from all over the world on the random acts of kindness you have shown to others, and had shown to you.
And today I invite you to help another / others in the same way, with such an act of kindness.
That’s right now, please.
That’s why this week’s naked leader week is so short – no topping and tailing, because it would take you about five minutes to read all of that, exactly the same time it would take to phone someone you have lost contact with, or to connect with a work colleague, or to help a neighbour tonight, or a friend who needs your time, company, or attention.
And as you help them, enjoy doing so
With love always