founder of naked leader

Please share your stories of Hope

Please share your stories of Hope

Naked Leader Week 890 – 21 September 2020

Time to read: 1 minute

Thank you for your feedback from last week’s Please Stay the word that struck most of you is ‘Hope’ – it being the single biggest factor that moves people towards happiness, and away from despair.

Most especially now!

I would love to hear your own personal stories of Hope – our aim is to reach 1 million people with this message by NL Weekly 900, which will publish on 30 November, and the most powerful way to do this is through stories – real stories – your stories, of:

  • Staying hopeful no matter what
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Persistence – keeping going when many others would have given up

Please share your stories with me, and we will share them with the world

Please email to: with the heading Hope

With my love and best wishes to you all



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