founder of naked leader

Secret Banta
Naked Leader Week 851 – 9 December 2019
Time to Read: Anytime
In Kegworth village, in Leicestershire, a secret Santa has been leaving small gifts around the village, shortbread chocolates etc, with the message to pay it forward. It has brought much pleasure to the residents, children and adults alike – more here.
It reminded me of our office Secret Banta game – maybe you’d like to play in your office this year bringing good cheer and a warm feeling to everyone’s hearts.
Everyone writes their name on an envelope.
Each person secretly selects an envelope from the collection.
On a piece of paper, you write a sentence of praise for the person whose envelope you have drawn – possibly something their boss should know about, what they are valued for amongst the team or are particularly gifted at. Pop it in the envelope and seal.
Get the team together for a drink and a mince pie, then each person in turn takes the envelope with their name on and reads out the positive thing that’s been said about them.
Go on – get the team involved in Secret Banta – it’s going to bring Christmas cheer to you all.
Please share your photos and comments.
With love and best wishes