founder of naked leader

Snakes and Ladders with 1 major difference
Time to Read: 1 minute 20 seconds
Snakes and Ladders with one major difference
We lay out the Board – our Outcome is at the top left, where we are right now is marked as number 1. Before us, we see various lengths of snakes and ladders.
Just like in real life.
People love playing this game – climbing the ladders that take us closer to our outcomes, or sliding down the colourful snakes that take us further away.
Just like when people, teams and organisations achieve success. Yes, loving those ladders that move us closer to success, and also loving those smiling snakes that take us further way. After all, they are an inevitable part of achieving our outcomes, as we dust ourselves off and do something different.
Of course there is 1 major difference between the game and our real lives:
Achieving the outcome in the game is down to chance, achieving it in life is up to us.
With thanks to Peter McCartney for sharing this simple analogy – we are featuring an interview with Peter next week and my love and snaky bessssst wishes to you all.