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The Best Way to Make a Personal True Decision from Two Options
Time to Read: 33 seconds
The Best Way to Make a Personal True Decision from Two Options
May Day…May Day…we need to make a True Decision.
Actually, most of us are very good at making a True Decision in times of crisis.
Less good when we have to choose 1 of 2 options. Here’s how, with huge thanks to my very good friend Ken Olisa, Lord Lieutenant of Greater London – @KenOlisa_LLofGL
1. Draw a vertical line down the centre of a single A4 sheet of paper
2. Write each of the choices at the top – no. 1 on the left, no. 2 on the right
3. Turn all of your attention – your total focus, on Option 1, and write down all of the reasons you would go for this. Exhaust your list – like when you go to the Doctor and have to breathe into one of those machines that tests your lung capacity – the ones where you can always find that extra bit of breath!
4. Next, turn all of your attention – your total focus, on Option 2, and write down all of the reasons you would go for this. Again, totally exhaust your list as before.
That completes your logical decision making.
Now, to complete, we add the emotional dimension:
Get a coin
Allocate ‘Heads’ to one of the options, and ‘Tails’ to the other
Now, toss the coin, and look at the option chosen by the coin:
If you feel immediately warm, happy and elated, go with the decision of the coin.
If you feel immediately cold, unhappy and uncertain, go with the opposite decision of the coin.
With my love and best wishes to you all.
Received from another David by email
If you dont mind me saying, this is a great piece!
I used the A4 technique when deciding on my last job decision. Turned out pretty well….!
The coin flip is also perfect for the emotional part….you really do know in flight. In that split second you instinctively know which side you really want it to land on!
Speak soon, all the best,