founder of naked leader

The Three ‘R’s that help us all be more Resilient
Naked Leader Week 918- 12 April 2021
Time to read: 31 seconds
The main focus of ‘Resilience’ continues to be written as:
‘Be more Stoic’
‘The more times you fail the more certain that you will eventually succeed’
All noble messages of help, support and encouragement not least advocated by everyone in Naked Leader. Sometimes though these words can drift into, as The Naked Psychologist Clair Carpenter – @thenakedpsych – brilliantly puts it:
‘take a spoonful of cement and harden up’
Being Resilient – ready to get back up again and again – is as much, if not more, to do with:
To make all three happen, you are welcome to download these free audios
With my love and best wishes to you all