founder of naked leader

There is one person above and beyond all others

Naked Leader Week – 175 (w/c Monday 25 September 2006)

There is one person above and beyond all others who has stood by me, every step of the way – good times and bad, heaven and hell, and that is my wife, Rosalind.

She prefers to keep her life very private and low key, and does not even know I am sending this out….today is her birthday, and ten years ago last Friday (22nd) we were married. The theme of our day was butterflies…

There is a line in Les Miserables that says – “To love another person is to see the face of God.”

I know what that means:

Butterfly of Love

Coloured kaleidoscope cavorting to the clouds

Flying and fluttering freely in the air

Your love gives me flight

I’m released from all care


Breathless beating of butterfly wings

Pounding pumping palpitating heart

My love is a life force

No ending – no start


Shimmering summery Sunday of passion

Softly savouring seconds of being

We make love – we are love

A perspective all seeing


Rainbow radiance released in your flight

Evokes, elicits emotions of a spectrum

This love is a living thing

All reason now numb


Dancing daring defying convention

A voyeurs viewing of vital energy

Our love spawns a power

Sprung of our synergy


Unsaid union, unreal in simplicity

Fanciful firing fusing as one soul

The love of a pair of hearts

Two wings for one whole


 Rosalind Taylor




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