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Time to Say (and Mean it) – 1/10th of a second
It seems to be the hardest word
British minister Andrew Mitchell said it, and it was accepted (the fact he still lost his job is more to do with politics than anything else), Lance Armstrong and Conrad Black have not…
And hidden away behind all the negative news is the astonishing and incredibly moving story of Eric Lomax, ex Japanese Prisoner of War, who accepted his torturer’s apology, and forgave him…. ( now being made into a film starring Colin Firth.)
An easy word to say, a very hard word to really mean, and one of the most powerful single words in every language the world over.
If you are sorry about something, three tips:
1. Mean it – don’t say “sorry” unless you really, genuinely and absolutely are.
2. Do it in person – face to face.
3. Be absolutely specific what you are apologising about.
In your life, who do you feel the need to say “sorry” to, and mean it?
With my love and best wishes
Great point David! We often underestimate the healing energy that comes from this process, especially when it comes from the heart, is genuine and we are specific!
thanks 🙂
Lance Armstrong will never say he is sorry becuase he doesn’t believe he did anything wrong.
Very sad.
Have just read the book ‘The Secret Race’. Thoroughly recommended for anyone wanting to know what Lance Armstrong stood for and was really all about.
A real eye opener.
Aplogising for the sake of apologising is utile. You have to mean it, I agree. Not many people do…they say things for effect in my opinion.
To issue an apology is poor. You have to say it to the person, in person for it to be effective.
Otherwise it means very little.
People who issue apologies through a solicitor or something like that are hiding behind their real feelings.
Just say the word ‘SORRY’ as it aint that hard!
The Lance Armstrong case is a compelling one.
He needs to come out and say sorry for what has happened and mean it.
The trouble with his situation is that he has had the glory, the money, the fame, so what is the point of stripping his titles etc.
He always thinks that he deserved to win those titles because he was the besrt of the dopers.
The whole situation stinks and whether he will ever confess is highly questionable so saying sorry is not really an option as far as he is concerned.
Lance Armstrong is unlikely to say he is sorry but there have been others too down the years in public office who could have done but haven’t too.