founder of naked leader

What do all optimists, realists and pessimists have in common?

Time to read: 2 minutes

What do all optimists, realists and pessimists have in common?


The only way to know whether something will ever work for you, or not, is to actually do it, and find out.

That’s why Naked Leader’s ‘deal’ is that we will tell you what to do, and you agree to do what we say, or you can choose to do something else – you will do something.

Our business partners with a real desire to move things forward sign up to this because they know – at some stage all of the analysis, procrastination and endless search for the perfect solution has to stop, and we have to actually do something.

Or at least stop saying you will, and understand nothing will happen, because otherwise the only outcome for us all, including you, is a headache.

With my love and best wishes


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