founder of naked leader

What will your verse be?
Time to Read: 1 Min 31 secs
Time to WATCH: 1 Min 31 secs
What will your verse be?
I just had to write a special, first ever Naked Leader Mid-Weekly.
To say RIP to Robin Williams, a man who gave happiness, laughter and joy to so many thousands, and yet could never find it within himself.
Without you Robin, there would be no Naked Leader. ‘Dead Poets Society’ was one of THE moments that inspired me to choose to change my life.
Thank you Robin
A wonderful testament to a wonderful man. I am going to add 1 min 31 secs to your allocated time suggestion to think of someone who has inspired me to the same extent so that I can tell them and honour them before it’s too late.
May you find peace Robin Williams. For someone who brought us so much joy and happiness.
We search and search, and seek for the person we were born to be.
Celebrate when you say to yourself, that person it is me.
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Hi David,
Well said David. A sad day. For me Robin was and is inspiration and humanity. He might be dead but his spirt lives on.
Best regards, Fredrik
Thank you all – wanted to get this out as soon as possible after Robin left us. I cannot over estimate the impact he had on me and on our message. RIP Robin. David x