founder of naked leader

When praising, helping or guiding people – do this for MAXIMUM impact

When praising, helping or guiding people – do this for MAXIMUM impact
Be specific
Why? Because that’s what the brain understands
Praising –
Minimum impact – ‘Thank you for the work you did today’
MAXIMUM Impact – ‘Thank you for sorting out that customer problem today’
Helping –
Minimum impact – ‘I am here to help you any way I can’
MAXIMUM impact – ‘I am here to help with your project – especially if you don’t get the co-operation you need from other managers’
Guiding –
Roy Mcavoy –
“This is everything, ain’t it, this is the choice it comes down to, this is our immortality”
His Caddy –
“You don’t need to be thinking immortality – you need to be thinking hit the 7 iron!”
From the film, Tin Cup
With my love and best wishes to you personally, for being the very best that you already are
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Seeing your message re specifics , it reminded me of hearing Serena Williams opponent talk on TV recently. The presenter asked her all sorts of generic questions such as were you thinking about Serena and her game, how big a player she is etc and the player who had beaten her said :
‘ I just kept thinking that I had to return the ball and keep it in the lines’
Nice and specific.
Great film, Tin Cup, and yes, it pays to focus on the important things and not to go off tangeant.
It’s the same with racing drivers. ‘I just try to go fast around corners’ and it’s that simple.
Sometimes we overcomplicate things.
Ayrton Sennas was the master at that.
In golf Tiger Woods always say, he is getting closer to where he wants to be…
That’s just being positive about a game that is declining.
Love that film clip, so true, just think simply and get the job done, with over thinking things.
There’s a lot to be said for that.
I loved the Bake Off tonight.
nadiya wanted to be the best she could be and she made sure she was exactly that.
It was emotional and heartwarming. So deserved.
Being the best we can be is all we can expect of ourselves and others.
That Bake Off was emotional and she really proved that whatever it is we want to do, we can make it happen.