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Are You Engaging?

EMPLOYEE engagement – is the company you work for doing enough of it?

With many staff still enduring job cuts and pay freezes – while bonuses continue to roll in at the top end – there is resentment in many firms across the globe.

And yet, against the background of economic gloom, large companies reckon they are doing what they can to listen to their staff and improve relationships. It’s even a legal duty of companies to report on their interactions with staff in their annual accounts.

Companies want and need to attract the best and most talented people. More importantly, they want to keep them. As well as avoiding costly industrial disputes they want to harvest creativity and nurture what they have at their disposal on the shop floor. Particularly in service industries, it is considered that damaged relations between staff and employers could result in the same between firms and their customers. Social media sites, twitter and email mean companies can communicate better and they are doing just that to ensure they keep a satisfied workforce.

Childcare schemes, flexible working and equal opportunities schemes are just some examples of what companies are doing to interact while giving something back to their workforce. However, just because a company has engagement plans in place, does not mean they have a good working culture. Some organisations may just have good staff/company relations as part of their ethos and don’t feel the need to have employee engagement.

And workers have their own career aims, work-life balance issues and personal goals so what makes a good employer is always going to be subjective.

So, what do you think? Is employee engagement in place in your organisation? Or is is such a great place to work, you don’t feel the need for it?

3 Responses to Are You Engaging?

  1. The more this goes on in companies the better.
    There really should be a nurture culture for all business staff.
    You need to look after the people that David calls your number one asset.
    Otherwise they will flee elsewhere.

  2. I agree. Business people often look after themselves and not their staff when actually they should put policies in place that look after their people.
    There are ways to offer incentives and this should be done to keep existing staff satisfied and not looking for jobs elsewhere.
    McLaren are a good example. I watched their on-stream car launch the other day and one of the bods was saying that there had only been a 5% reduction in turnover of staff in the past 10 years. That is amazing. People want to work there, and although their staff are sought after, it is incredible that they are able to maintain a stable work force.

  3. More should be done.
    It doesn’t happen where we are. But then steps are being made for my business leaders to take a closer look at what they’ve got, or risking losing the workforce.

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