founder of naked leader

You’ve Got A Friend
Naked Leader Week 868 – 20 April 2020
Time To View: 5 minutes
My daughter Olivia is a member of London City Voices choir – please read on and watch this amazing video for such a good cause…
London-based choir sing “You’ve Got A Friend” for all women trapped by abuse.
Last Friday 17th April, London City Voices released a video of Carole King’s song “You’ve Got A Friend” to support survivors of domestic abuse. 276 members of the London-based non-audition community choir are raising awareness and vital funds for Women’s Aid’s Live Chat service. They have raised over £26,000 in less than 48 hours, far beyond their target. Saturday would have been the day of their Spring Concert.
Coercive and controlling behaviour has escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic and women and children are becoming increasingly isolated. Demand for the Women’s Aid national Live Chat service, which currently receives no government funding, has risen by 41% since the lockdown has been imposed. The online Live Chat service is a lifeline to expert support at a time when it can be difficult for women to securely and privately access a telephone to make a voice call.
Richard Swan, Director of London City Voices commented:
“London City Voices has a long history of fundraising for many charities, and although we are all separated from each other at this time, we really wanted to come together to do something positive in the crisis. We want to help women and children who may be struggling to access support right now while being trapped at home with their abuser. The Women’s Aid Live Chat service is crucial to giving advice to women suffering domestic abuse and who may not be able make phone calls without being overheard.”
He added, “For many of our 500+ members, our choir is like an extended family. We are missing our face-to-face singing and social activities, but we have transferred some of these online, and have added even more. Members are supporting each other with phone calls, quizzes, sing-a-longs and of course, rehearsals. We would like everyone to feel that they have someone to turn to, and that they are not alone, whatever their circumstances. We really appreciate everyone’s generosity in donating to the Women’s Aid Live Chat campaign, and we hope that people will share the video with their friends. We really are stronger together”
The video is available to view at:
Donations are welcomed
Thank you for reading and watching, and supporting The Women’s Aid Live Chat Service.
With my love and best wishes to you all and especially to health professionals, volunteers and all key workers.
David x