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Stay On Track, Online

MANY of you are flexible – and we’re not talking about your aerobic capacity! A report suggests that flexible working has had a huge impact in saving companies from the perils of the recession. Staff are more open to job sharing, shorter working weeks, and home working, in their bid to help keep their jobs – and the global economy going. Productivity has increased as a direct result.

Staff who have flexible working options will often accept lower pay as a trade-off against fitting a job in with their home life, and paying them by the hour against completed timesheets works well.  

Although employment regulations can be a hindrance, the message is that employing people at hours that suit them can be a boon to a company’s output. And yet managing to find available part-time resources can be a problem as many recruitment agents, limited to traditional practices, are reported to get only a proportion of the commission fee.

Local papers can be a good place to start advertising for these positions as well as putting the word out through current staff. Help is also at hand for recruiting women in particular. Many women with families prefer part time work and have great experience they can call upon. If you are an employer looking to recruit – or if you are a woman in the hunt for part-time employment – one such website you can get in touch with is Women Like Us ( They can help design the right job for your organisation – as well as find suitable roles if you are looking.

It’s easy when you know how!

5 Responses to Stay On Track, Online

  1. Companies ought to make a real go of seeking out their online opportunities.
    Who wouldn’t these days.
    There will be a time when nobody will do anything other than on the internet so you have to get in on the ground floor.

  2. The web is where it is at. Companies have to get their business products up online, not just as a presence to show they have a business, but also for sale.
    People like to buy online so you have to make sure they can from your own site.

  3. Anybody not selling online is losing out big time.
    There is no sense in it, unless you want to go to the wall.
    I have always advocated it even when my dad was starting a business five years ago. Back then it seemed like you didn’t have to have a website. Now, it is essential.

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