founder of naked leader

The Most Persuasive Referendum One Liner, Ever?

The Most Persuasive Referendum One Liner, Ever?

Time to Read: 14 Seconds

Naked Leader Week 1046 – 23 October 2023

Australia has had a lot of referenda – 44 to date – and the most recent one – ‘The Voice’, sought to give indigenous people more say.

A simple idea, and in my opinion much needed, however the detail turned out to be very complex and difficult to understand, so much so that even some First Nation elders advocated voting No.

The ‘Yes’ vote was backed by the Government, and a lot of high-profile advertising.

The ‘No’ vote cut through all the noise, confusion and complexity, and took full advantage of the fact that in every vote, every Australian must vote, with this powerful one liner:

If you don’t know, vote no

With six simple words they won over the ‘no’ vote and the ‘don’t know’ vote, combined!

Clear, Concise, Compelling

What tag line can you come up with that says what your organisation stands for, what it does and/or to win more Clients?

With my love and best wishes to you all


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