founder of naked leader



Naked Leader Week 942 – 27 September 2021

Time to read: 42 seconds 


In your life you will have been told

You are Good, and You are Bad

You are Right, and You are Wrong

You are a Success, and you are a Failure

Many times over

At home

At school


And yet, at the end of it all, and at the beginning, and right now, in this very moment

There is just one, indisputable, universal and very personal truth

You are You


No matter who you are, right now

No matter what your background

And no matter how big your hopes, your dreams or even your fears

Being You

You, Being

Is all that you ever need to be

And as you think about those words, and that idea

Perhaps you are starting to breathe slightly slower, as you feel more centred, relaxed

And calm

That’s right

Very good



From ‘Bliss – How To Be Truly Happy for the Rest of Your Life’

By David Taylor and Clair Carpenter

Publishing on Amazon 11th October 2021

@nakedleader across all social media

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