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Start a Blog

EVER thought of getting into a writing career. Then start a blog. It can unlock your potential and demonstrate to publishers, who regularly scour the internet for untapped talent, that you have an original voice. You can gain advice from sites, such as, where you can learn how to make money on your very own site.

Publishers are looking for entertaining, informative and debate-prompting literary work. So write a blog. How about on the naked leader site? Sign up to get a blog. It’s a good place to start. Establish yourself as an authority on a chosen subject. And away you go.

3 Responses to Start a Blog

  1. Blogging has already taken over in my household as a way to express oneself.
    It’s a great medium and I think everybody, if they have the time, should do it as every person can contribute with something worthwhile.
    We can ebate subjects etc, what better platform is there than to blog and invite comments?

  2. Writing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. best to get there and do things rather than write about what it is you want to do.

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