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Monthly Archives: January 2012

It’s (Not) About Time

Time to Read – Guess… (Glance, Guess, and Time Yourself) Last week’s NL Week ended with – “Give yourself some extra time and next week we’ll consider how to best use it.” Well, it’s actually not about time at all Our Clients will always ask us if we “do time management” Books are written on…Continue Reading

Thought For The Week

THE tighter the link between a particular behaviour and a particular outcome, the more likely it is that we should engage in that behaviour. The more desirable the outcome, the more likely we will engage in the behaviour that we believe will lead to it.Continue Reading

What Do You Think?

THINK about it. And when you do, consider whether the way you are thinking is lateral or vertical. Not with me? Well, read on. Creative thinking is all about using your imagination to think of new ideas. Known as lateral, it implies the use of sideways leaps in the way you think, rather than logical…Continue Reading

On The Starship Enterprise

TO boldy go where no other spokespeople have gone before – that is the intention of a group of entrepreneurs in trying to stimulate the economy. Those leaders have called on the Government to stretch the boundaries in the action they take, including increasing the number of enterprise zones throughout the country and extending National Insurance holiday to those in…Continue Reading

Action For The Week

IT’S an open and shut case. In the early stages of a business relationship, ask open questions. These are questions that make the other person give you an answer – and, more crucially, information which you can use at a later date. Ask them ‘how’, or ‘why’ or ‘when’ or ‘what’ and make them tell…Continue Reading

Clean Your Inbox Week

Time to Read – 40 seconds Time to get a new inbox strategy – 1 week I was running a ‘one team one vision one day’ session last week, when a recurring theme cropped up – lack of time. One of the time stealers is always named as – the inbox. People often admit to…Continue Reading

Action For The Week

YOU are far more likely to take action and be persistent when you focus on what you want, rather than on what you don’t want. No matter how negative a situation appears this week, no matter how few choices you think you have, and above all, no matter how others are reacting, always focus very…Continue Reading

NLP – Make It Work For You

WE can all tune in to a radio station. We can also dial in to a conversation. The question is, as business leaders and high achievers, are you able to build immediate rapport with an audience? Do you possess the ability to empathise with that gathering, whatever their background, while delivering a key message which…Continue Reading