founder of naked leader

The top 7 ways to unlock new ideas
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The top 7 ways to unlock new ideas from the people you already have
Organisations that identify, unlock and unleash the strengths, passions and ideas in the people that they already have will succeed, those that don’t, won’t.
So, 3 NL Weeks – this one on ideas, next on passions and then on strengths:
The 7 top ways to unlock new ideas from the people you already have:
1 Believe there are new ideas to be had and they are all around you – from art, films etc.
2 If someone has an idea have them own a plan to make it real.
3 Have an ideas wall – anything goes from anyone at any time – copy Google.
4 Open up to other points of view than your own – read more than one book.
5 Listen without your ego – do not judge, only notice (also the fastest way to enlightenment).
6 Go talk at a school and ask the children for new ideas (and support the school in return).
7 Move from ‘no but’ to ‘yes and’ (develops ideas) – we do a fantastic evening event on that.
Please share your best ways to unlock new ideas here
With my love and best wishes