founder of naked leader

The only way to really control your people…
Time to Read: A shade under 2 minutes
The only way to really control your people…
…is to set them free
Our coaches in Naked Leader are finding the same top priority across all of our Clients:
To get far more from the people that they already have.
The differences in opinion come with that eternal question:
On the one hand we have the majority of organisations – work them harder, faster and longer, to complete more work than was completed with fewer people that they had before.
And the results speak for themselves – yes, busy, busy, losing their best people, and a huge rise in stress, worry and mental illness.
…and this is more productive?
On the other hand we have a growing minority of organisations – set people free – within a framework; Let them use their strengths to enjoy their work, to be the most productive and reduce the volume of work done in the organisation through radical focus and simplicity.
And the results speak for themselves – inspired people who actively want to do what the organisation needs them to do – because the two are one and the same; attracting and inspiring the best people, and a huge rise in confidence, fun and mental wellness.
Which corner you are in is of course a choice.
It depends whether you want to shrink, or grow, whether you want to hate coming to work, or love it, and overall, whether you want your people to be human doings, or human beings.
With my love and best wishes to you all.
Setting people free, love that phrase.
It’s letting them be who they are. That’s the key.
Simplicity, allowing staff to grow, but sometimes they want rules so they have something to work off, not just freedom, where mistakes could be made.
That could be counter-productive?
If people are enjoying their work then they are more productive. it’s that simple.