founder of naked leader

Be A Goal Scorer

IT is not only in sport where people score goals. In offices and workplaces around Europe, objectives and targets – if you prefer – are being reached by those committed to making sure their business is forging ahead.

The important point is that the people in your team understand what is expected of them. Each individual and the team must know what it is they are expected to achieve. Then they must accomplish it.

Management of expectations is vital in any organisation, your task being to ensure that performance requirements – ie objectives – are defined and agreed, therefore creating a measurable tool.

A target, a point to be aimed at, defines what organisations, functions, departments, teams and individuals are expected to accomplish.

In the workplace these are at corporate level, departmental and functional level, team level and individual level. More likely, your staff will be involved in the latter two, the contribution needed to help in the achievement of goals higher up the chain. The team must have a role to play, enjoying a specific purpose for the greater contribution of the company. Individual aims – not to be confused with personal – are mainly job-related, looking at the principal accountabilities and key tasks an individual is required to undertake, focussing on the results expected of that person.

A good work objective is consistent, precise, challenging, measurable, achievable, agreed, time-related and teamwork orientated.

Of course you can carry out the Naked Leader ethos while tackling goals. Visualise what it is you want to achieve, then work out how you are going to get there. Then work out how you might celebrate your accomplishment. You will have deserved it!

2 Responses to Be A Goal Scorer

  1. Like that, sometimes you have to set the right goals, challenging ones, not open ones, or it defeats the exercise.

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