founder of naked leader

One Team – One Vision

INSIDE your team, debate, discuss and decide – then go forward with one voice. Providing everyone has had a chance to have their say, and been genuinely listened to, they will go forward with you. ‘One team – one vision’.

This does not mean you are ‘against’ other teams (we can all be in more than one team). It does mean that we unite behind a common purpose. And we never, ever run down another member of our team, except in private, with that person.

You can move forward in your organisation, as one voice, today.

(Extract from The Naked Leader).

2 Responses to One Team – One Vision

  1. If only we could agree on things in such a way, because teams have to exist by playing together and it’s never a good thing that you have to rely on others that aren’t pulling their weight.

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