founder of naked leader
The ‘P’ Word People Wait For…
Time to read: 28 Seconds
Time to listen: Just over 2 minutes (includes my additional thoughts)
Naked Leader Week 1084 – Monday 29 July 2024
The ‘P’ Word People Wait For…
Permission To Say…To Do…To Be…
Adults need to know where we stand, just as much as children
At work, where we are both encouraged to ‘go for it’ and told to ‘avoid’ risks at the same time. And the biggest permission we all seek, is to be ourselves – if all that your organisation ever did was unleash all of the strengths, passions and genius that your people already have, then your success would be inevitable
So who are you waiting for permission from?
Perhaps, its yourself – in which case, you now have it…
With my love and best wishes to you all
AND… to catch a new bonus feature of additional thoughts and this week’s article as an audio, read by David, just click on the link here: