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The Power of a Simple Question

The Power of a Simple Question

Time to read: 31 Seconds
Audio: How to apply it in performance reviews

Naked Leader Week 1101 – Monday 25 November 2024

The power of a simple question

I had been working for their IT department for just over three months. We had some problems – some very big problems. A few I had inherited, and to be honest a few others I and my new team had created ourselves.

In any big company it is easy to hide, and just as easy to be found out.

And then I got the call – the head of the company – the CEO himself, wanted to see me tomorrow, “for a chat.”

My plans, paranoia and preparations went into overdrive. It’s amazing what the mind can do in twenty four hours. By the time I went to the top floor I had everything prepared. All would be well – I had every excuse ready, every stone turned and an answer to every question.

He stood to greet me and we sat together on green “comfy” chairs – the sort you have to really concentrate on sitting straight, for fear of sliding off.

I was ready for anything he was going to say.

He looked at me and in a warm, soft and friendly tone, he said:

“So, David – How’s it going?”

Those few words came across the table, into my ears and ran through my brain. What? I had prepared for everything – for anything.

Except that.

I remember a long pause – a pause he let hang in the air.

And so I told him.

I told him how it’s going

I told him the truth as I saw it, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

And he listened, thanked me for my honesty, and asked what he could do to help.

One hour later I felt relieved, I felt purged, and I felt supported.

And I learned the power of the simplest question

So, today, go to someone who you think would like to talk, and ask them, “how’s it going?”

With love and best wishes to you all


Need to cut costs and increase wellbeing in just five working days? – more

AND… How to apply it in performance reviews–Zx-7QJ_g

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