founder of naked leader
Was It A Testimonial…Or…
Time to read: 31 Seconds
Time to listen: An additional minute
Naked Leader Week 1087 – Monday 19 August 2024
Was It A Testimonial…Or…
Estelle Brachlianoff is CEO for Veolia worldwide, and when in the UK she kindly gave me an endorsement for my book ‘How To Be Successful By Being Yourself‘
She said ‘The last success book you ever need to read’
I was chuffed – to have such a global leader frame my little book as the definitive success book in the world…
Until…Australia…a young lady called Ji Jiii came up to me and said:
“Estelle doesn’t like your book very much, does she?”
I was stunned – “What makes you say that?” I replied
She opened the book at the quote – “The last success book you ever need to read” and added “So what she is saying is to read ALL the other success books you can, and if none of them work and you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, then read this one, but only as a last resort!”
Thank you Ji Jiii for sharing that…eh…alternative meaning and once again proving that no events, words or even testimonials have any meaning other than the meaning we choose to give it
With my thanks to Estelle and Ji Jiii, and love and best wishes to you all
AND… to catch the new audio bonus feature of my additional thoughts on this blog, just click on the link here:
It’s what I keep saying in all my talks and courses about communication. No two people will read a message in the same way.
Take the famous sentence often used in Communications 101 courses, to illustrate this point: Put on the screen the sentence “I didn’t say she stole the money” and you will see that different people will take different meanings from it. In fact, it can be read in seven different ways, with vastly different meanings, depending on which word you emphasise.