founder of naked leader

What difference will you make – today?

Naked Leader Week – 102 (w/c Monday 1 May 2005)

What difference will you make – today?

Your suggestions for the Metanet – links, forces for good, people making a difference, have been sent from all over the world. Thank you.

Between now and launch I will separate your e-mails and letters by category, so they are of stand alone interest / inspiration, as well as forming a bigger picture of hope, belief and of the World of Goodness.

Together, we are igniting, connecting and unleashing the Forces for Good in the world:

This week, all of the sites and recommended groups inspired by the film, “Pay it Forward.” I had no idea there were so many, and my thanks to all of you, from everywhere on this planet, who sent your favourite…

Remember, it is easy to be cynical, it is far more rewarding to take action

With love always



The idea in the film Pay It Forward is that we help someone, unconditionally, and all we ask is that they help three others and so on – a sort of pyramid helping.

The following web-sites / organisations / causes are putting these principles into practice, to make a difference – all will be linked from the new from 1st July…



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