founder of naked leader

Happy Birthday to Me!

Time to Read – 1 minute

So, this one is personal.

I said a few weeks ago I would lose a stone by the end of March.

I have had some coaching – yes, I have had some much needed coaching with Bridget our HR Specialist, in order to help me achieve my goal.

Being accountable to Bridget (and all of you) I have so far lost 7lbs.– so well on the way and on target.

We all need the help, support, guidance (call it what you will) of a coach sometimes, to keep us on track.

Our first Accredited Coaching course was held last week, to train people in our coaching techniques, and we now have our very first group going forward to be assessed for the Professional Coaching Qualification – the first level of Naked Leader Coaching.

With a lot of hard work and the guidance from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) we have an endorsed programme we are proud of – so if you want a coach or to develop as a business coach then just get in touch.

It works for me – it works for many – never be too proud to say you need a helping hand.

With my love and best wishes to you all

If you missed last weeks nlweek which gave everyone so much fun please click here.

8 Responses to Happy Birthday to Me!

  1. Losing weight is a great way to motivate the mind. I have done it and I feel great and far more positive about things.

  2. There isn’t a better way to feel good about yourself than lose weight if you have overdone it at Xmas.
    So good on yer for making sure it happens for you.
    Will power is the key.

  3. Weight is such a drag. And it can weigh you down mentally.
    Make an effort to give up eating fatty food and it can work wonders.

  4. Birthdays come and go. Weight doesn’t always. Which is a hard conecpt when you think thin but actually are carrying too much.
    Well done on the perseverance.

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