founder of naked leader

The Only Way To Tell Whether Advice is Helpful, Or Not…

The Only Way To Tell Whether Advice is Helpful, Or Not…

Naked Leader Week 926 – 7 June 2021

Time to read: 47 seconds

The Only Way To Tell Whether Advice is Helpful, Or Not…

Is through evidence – does it move you closer to your Outcome, or not?

Linked In, Google and our worlds are full of people offering Help, How-Tos and Guidance. In response, it’s also filled with people offering their advice on whether the original advice works, or not!

This second group are very quick to judge. I have seen people’s genuine offer of help described as “Horrible”, “Stupid” and far worse.

We have included in The Home Of Real Leadership – what we believe to be the most powerful leadership ‘How-Tos’ of all and have received comments asking us to “prove” they work!

So, let’s get back to the blindingly obvious:

  1. There is only what works and doesn’t work for you – as you, in your team or organisation
  2. The only way to actually know what works – for you – is to actually do it and see
  3. If it does work, do more of the same, if it doesn’t then do something different

If this is such common sense, why is it so uncommonly done?

Because people – teams and organisations – are waiting for the perfect, certain, risk-free solution and they fear doing anything until they are convinced it will work.

Probably the biggest single reason why so many people do not achieve their dreams.

Anyway, that’s my advice on advice – don’t believe or disbelieve it until you give it a go.

And, of course, that also applies to everything I have suggested above!

With my love and best wishes to you all



@nakedleader across all social media

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